"Knowledge is light" is an expression that has analogs in many cultures and languages. In the Balkan region, it is expressed as "Знање је светло" ("Znanje je svetlo").

The project "SVETLO" is a reflection on the nature of knowledge and enlightenment, exploring the dichotomy between formal education, which often represents processed and censored information, and self-knowledge, which comes through personal experience and observation of the world.

A dense textual composition with the word "svetlo" on a textile canvas, blocking the light coming from outside, symbolizes how the knowledge offered by formal education can sometimes overshadow the true light of understanding and enlightenment. This is a contemplation on the importance of critical thinking and the search for and interpretation of knowledge beyond textbooks, which are often politicized and reflect the propaganda goals of certain groups.

The "SVETLO" project was first presented as part of a group exhibition by Post Scriptum Projects located in an abandoned rural school building in the village Misici, Montenegro.



School Gallery, PostScriptum Projects / Contemporary and urban art shows
Misici, Montenegro / 2024